your art
posted in: inspiration .2013-07-05 / 17:17:00 .
"One day you will be old, so don't waste your short life.
Invest your youthful vitality in your art.
Share the best of your spirit with the world.
Your body will die, but you can't die.
So, don't worry about petty things like bodies, money and possessions.
They pass along with the body and are meaningless.
Don't worry about what anyone thinks of you.
Don't seek approval, except from yourself.
Your art and ideas are signs of your spirit.
The beauty of your spirit endures forever, as do you."
Invest your youthful vitality in your art.
Share the best of your spirit with the world.
Your body will die, but you can't die.
So, don't worry about petty things like bodies, money and possessions.
They pass along with the body and are meaningless.
Don't worry about what anyone thinks of you.
Don't seek approval, except from yourself.
Your art and ideas are signs of your spirit.
The beauty of your spirit endures forever, as do you."

-via tumblr.
Postat av: Linnea - Tha MusíkNörd
Skulle du inte kunna göra en tutorial om hur du fått bilderna vid kategorierna? Som länkar och allt :3
Postat av: Anonym
Sjukt inspirerande inlägg! <3
Postat av: Kajsa
Himla fina ord!